
Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

How to get the design minimalist living room a cozy and elegant room for a limitedspace?

How to get the design minimalist living room a cozy and elegant room for a limitedspace? Surely this is one of the many problems faced before determining the design of the living room.

Here is a Tips and Tricks Minimalist Living Room Decoration elegant. Arranging the living room at home with varying sizes is a challenge. In addition to deserving guests,this space must be set for comfortable and memorable is not full.

For the sake of practicality, some people deny the function of the living room in his house. In homes that tiny, living room function is often combined with other rooms. For example, guests who were admitted directly familiar in the family room or can bedeliberately designed the living room that blends with the family room. Meanwhile,other guests quite acceptable on the patio home

Well for those of you who are confused and need ideas or input for designingminimalist living room then you can see the tips and tricks below in preparing yourminimalist living room.

Foto Ruang Tamu Minimalis

Fit By Size
For the placement of furniture in the room must be smaller than the room, so the room does not look cramped or claustrophobic. Maximize space with a length of 2 seat sofa than a large sofa seating for guests to sit down with the fun. What a great idea if you decorate your room with fun style and combine it with your collection of items in the room, may also be combined with a small sofa again and add a large mirror or decorated so as to make room to be bigger and broader.
Keep in mind, when you're decorating a family room and living room are small should think also where you will place the accessories and furniture. you might consider the principles of Feng Shui when the set of accessories and furniture in the living room and your guests. Make sure your furniture is not near the door so as not to block the door when opened and closed.
If you focus approach in terms of design, you should plan early on how to maximize the family room and living room. You can try to use / style of modern decor, as this will make the room seem more spacious. Deciding which design style is really into what you will certainly spend most of your time.
Use Staining Technique
Color is one of the factors that influence the design of living room and your guests. If you believe that you should paint your small room with white, this is a good thing for you. You can specify a color that can make the space seem bigger impression by decorating colors that reflect the same intensity, or use a theme.
To color the room should be decorated with bright colors like bright yellow or orange, color matching, if you want a softer look can also wear bright green color. Painting the walls with dark colors or older will make the walls look as if the narrow and move closer to you.
To make a room look larger should paint the walls with light colors (light), gray or bluish gray. If the gray felt boring, actually can find a fresh tone colors like green or blue to get the atmosphere you want.
With the methods above, small living room can be decorated in a simple. Use your creativity and you will create a small living room / small, large and spacious impression. Good luck designing your minimalist living room.
Still having trouble finding the right idea for the design of your living room? You can contact experts in the field of interior design rooms that will certainly give you fresh ideas for the creation of your living room or can also seek inspiration from online magazines like IDEA.

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